Plug the grey telephone cable with grey ends into the grey DSL port on the back of the Telstra Smart Modem located last from the top on the left. If you have multiple phone wall sockets, try the first socket closest to the front of your house.

Personally I have not found anybody guide in Italian, and some formulation is not clear. Step 1 - Plug the ADSL filter into a wall phone socket. Its use is recommended for creating a private Net for Fastweb clients and to overcome the obstacle of a limited number of IP tied to the doors of the HUG. Good equipment, the NetGear RP614 Router guarantees a good flexibility of planning and associate with other equipments (Switch or Access Point) it results attainable is in formality "Wired" that "Wireless". Features iQ Setup for smart, automatic and quick installation with no CD. Buying refurbished or used is a great way to save money. Notice: You may either simply set up your computer to get IP dynamically from the modem or set up. Per i neofiti -come il sottoscritto- qualche problema si può presentare. The smart iQ Setup wizard makes setup and installation as easy as a few clicks. You can directly access the Quick Start Wizard via. Connect the NETGEAR DSL modem router to its power supply unit (PSU) (Not shown in the diagram) and wait about a minute for it to boot up. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the computer to any of the four LAN ports as shown in the diagram. Personalmente non ho trovato nessuna guida in italiano, e qualche impostazione non è chiarissima. To configure your DSL modem router for Internet connection with Smart Wizard: Connect the DSL port of the NETGEAR modem router to the phone line, via the DSL Microfilter, as shown in the diagram. The information in this article applies if you configuring a DSL Internet connection with a NETGEAR router that uses the Smart Wizard user interface. Step 4: Power on both the DIR-655 and your Internet Cable/DSL Modem. This article will help you configure your NETGEAR DSL modem router using Smart Wizard. Step 3: Connect your Cable/DSL modem to the Internet Port on the DIR-655. Step 2: Connect an Ethernet cable from your computer/laptop to a LAN port (Port 1,2,3 or 4) on the DIR-655.

Il suo utilizzo è cosigliato per creare una rete privata per clienti Fastweb e superare l'ostacolo di un numero limitato di IP legato alle porte dell'HUG. Step 1: Unplug the Power to your Cable/DSL Internet Modem. Ottima apparecchiatura, il NetGear RP614 Router garantisce una buona flessibilità di programmazione e associato con altre apparecchiature (switch o access point) risulta raggiungibile sia in modalità wired che wireless.